RK specialises in the design and manufacture of equipment used to produce repeatable samples of most surface coatings. These may then be used for quality control and presentation purposes, research and development and computer colour matching data, elements vital to a companys' success in the modern world.
英国RK Print Coat仪器设备公司(简称:RK公司)是一家拥有30多个员工的家族企业。在油墨和其他表面涂布制造领域拥有长远的历史。RK公司1962年由 Roman Kerchiss创立,在此之前Roman Kerchiss已经从事表面涂布领域工作30余年。今天Roman Kerchiss的儿子Tom Kerchiss带领,并计划于剑桥大学附近建立工厂。
RK Print Coat Instruments Ltd is a family run business with a staff of 30, and has a long history of involvement with ink manufacturing and other surface coating industries. The company was founded in 1962 by Roman Kerchiss who had spent 30 years working in the surface coating industry. Today RK is run and managed by his son Tom Kerchiss from a purpose built factory about one hour north of London, near Cambridge.
RK equipment and supplies are exported worldwide to printing ink manufactures, printers, converters and other businesses with colour communication devices for all the major print disciplines.
We are proud to have been awarded an Innovator in Pre-Press Award for the FlexiProof 100.